Friday, February 08, 2002

A selection of my oil pastel rendering of a lady. Yay.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

A girl supposed to be wearing a handkerchief on her head drawn in the margin of a chart on scientists of the Renaissance.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

While I'm updating, I might as well scan this. The cover of my World Civ. book [black and blue pen on brown paper bag], after being much doodled-upon. I blocked out the non-interesting stuff to make the file smaller. Originally I had drawn only the girl in the bottom left corner, an inside joke between my friend and me, then I wanted to add more, so I did, and the girl in the bottom corner changed from a caricature to someone real. I don't know. My muse makes me do crazy things.

My favourite part is the middle girl's hair. It was fun to do and it's like SPAGHETTI! =)
Updates, muah.

I was angry and depressed and sad last night, so I expressed myself through art. ^^ I don't really know what's going on in the first picture, so don't ask. I just drew.

Coloured the second one today with PSP as I hadn't shaded it.