Thursday, December 13, 2001

Don't ask me why there is a doodle of Jesus on my Vocab homework. I don't know. I was also drawing Stars of David, wiccan & Satanist pentagrams, yin-yangs, and sun and moon swastikas. So don't think I'm about to convert to Catholocism or anything, because I'm NOT.

Oh, and those lyrics are from a Patty Smith song called "Gloria." Download it; it's pretty good.

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

I wasn't going to post this, but I thought a crap drawing's better than none at all, right? So here's a quick pen doodle I did while taking notes. And not notes on school stuff, notes on something for my NEW DOMAIN. Which is pretty pathetic, but hey, look who we're talking about here.

Oh, and her hair reminds me of Mad-Eye Moody. I don't know why, it just does. So leave me alone.